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A member registered Jan 02, 2021

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Moving past your solid EM sims of the 70s and into the solid state era with a flashy and fun table complete with suitably nifty "dot matrix" animations in the scorefield and of course multiball! Cool and refreshing.

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"Nothing is available for download yet."  Well, it does mention the Steam key right on the page so yes, that's on me I suppose... 

Made me giggle insanely for a good half hour- the kind of twisted little discovery that keeps me pulling random Itch titles out of curiosity.

An original table! And a very original table at that from the devious playfeld layout itself to a fresh choice of theme. Fun seeing the tilt alarm come up in that oddly familiar font... Oh, I uh... I was testing it. Yeah that's it.

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Nice nice work on both this and the Eight Ball table.

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"I clapped- I clapped when I saw it." No seriously I did. From someone who has actually taken occasional viewing "recommendations" from BOTW, the obvious effort here is absolutely ridiculous in the best possible way. Imagining the RLM review where they gush over the VR only to realize they've forgotten to turn the headsets on and have been "playing" their actual studio.